Hyuna is undeniably the foxy queen of K-Pop, with her playful demeanour yet sexy and fierce aura! She has fan-boys love struck every-time she appears on stage. We think these particular photo shoots live up to Hyuna’s sexy and feisty nature. Fans rejoice! Here’s our list of Hyuna’s 15 sexiest photoshoots.
Too beautiful to be human, she must be a vampire!
Hyuna’s angry shirt says “stay away, she’s mine!”
Alone in a bleak atmosphere
The trouble-makers
Making more trouble!
Hyuna the vampire bride posing seductively
Stop playing on the table Hyuna!
Hyuna with a hot summer tan
That enough trouble making you two!
Too much trouble making!
…Oh I give up, have it your way!
Mirror mirror…
Tired after a long day of looking sexy
Hyuna the tease
Original post: https://www.koreaboo.com/uncategorized/top-15-sexiest-photoshoots-of-hyuna/